Auto Painting & Trimming/Heidtman Motor Co.
Constructed in 1927 and 1936, the two buildings have been combined to house a single business.

Now combined as a single business, this was originally two separate buildings, 1055 and 1065 South Virginia Street. The southern half was built first, opening in 1927 as the Auto Painting & Trimming Company. The company offered complete overhauls of automobiles as well as painting, body and fender work. By 1932, that business had vacated, and around 1934, 1065 South Virginia became the Bell Telephone Company’s truck garage, which it remained for the next twenty years or so. For a time beginning in the 1980s, it housed the Casa Margarita restaurant.
The north building arrived on the scene in 1936. It was built by H.C. Heidtman, a businessman who was president of the Washoe Realty Company and owned two used car lots, at Virginia Street and Plaza, and 904 East Fourth Street. Heidtman used it as his truck department, and in the years to follow, the building housed various businesses, mostly auto- or furniture-related.