Reno Register of Historic Places

The City of Reno's Register of Historic Places is a list of properties within Reno city limits that have been officially designated by the City for their architectural and historic significance. Historic resources can be nominated to the register upon the owner's consent. Nominations are reviewed by the City's Historical Resources Commission in a public hearing and confirmed by the Reno City Council.

The local register was created in 1993 through the passage of the City’s Historic Preservation ordinance. It assists in preserving the exterior of structures and thereby preserving community character and sense of place, promoting community pride in history, inspiring heritage tourism, and improving property values. Resources listed in the City Register must secure a Certificate of Appropriateness for any exterior modifications, in order to ensure that any changes or improvements are in character with the architectural style or historic period represented by the building, portion of the building, site, and/or resource being preserved and do not diminish its historical significance.

This list should not by any means be considered a list of the only properties of historical and architectural significance in the city--far from it. Hundreds of additional local historic resources are listed on the National Register of Historic Places and the Nevada State Register of Historic Places or remain unlisted but eligible for one or more of these registers. Anyone interested in listing their historic property on the Reno Register of Historic Places should contact the City of Reno for more information. Properties are listed in chronological order of their addition to the register.

NOTE: Additional properties once listed on the City's Historic Register include the Mizpah Hotel (lost to fire in 2006), the Mary Sherman House (demolished by the University of Nevada, Reno in 2019), and the Nystrom Guest House (removed from the register by Jacobs Entertainment when relocating the house in 2019).

[Note: This house was relocated to 655 S. Arlington Avenue.] The unique home that stood for more than a century at 127 E. Eighth Street is one of the most beautiful examples of Asian-influenced Craftsman styling in all Reno. Craftsman was the dominant style for smaller houses built throughout the…
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